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overall a pretty complete game, good job!

what i liked: 

cute art

high effort music

what i didnt like: 

having to do it all over again on one wrong move(and remember how i got there in the previous attempt)

long jump tile isnt very visually distinct from short hop

the sound FX sometimes play in a different scale from the background

lovely game! love to see more from you!


Smooth controls and a great idea! Extra plus for the music. Perfect fit!

thanks. the music is indeed awesome


Composer's here! Thank youuuu

Thank you! Great job!





i like it. i first thought its a dance game 


Really good fun idea.

I like the concept and love the style.


(1 edit) (+2)

A very cute and cozy game! I especially love the color scheme and the adorable little bunny <3!

thank you very much!  i'm glad you liked the game (i'm the artist)